Week 8 Blog Post

Katie H.
1 min readOct 14, 2020

This week’s blog post is a synthesis exercise in preparation for your mid-semester essay. Before completing this blog post assignment, go to D2L Course Documents and refamiliarize yourself with the Mid-semester Essay Assignment.

Your goal in this Week 8 post is to come up with three possible starting points for the mid-semester essay: First, identify three different topics or themes that are interesting to you from our work so far this semester. Then, for each of the three topics, describe:

What specific question would you pursue around this topic/theme? What kind of claim might you make around that question? Which readings or course materials would you use to inform your thinking on this question? From these materials, what might be evidence you could use to support your claim? Cite sources and use quotes when appropriate.

We will discuss and refine these ideas in class this coming week, and you will work on developing one of these in more detail for your mid semester essay.

Please use the tags LB492 and LB492Week8

