Final Week 14 “Blog post” for Online Gallery

Katie H.
2 min readDec 3, 2020


For our final blog post writing assignment, you will write short descriptions to go along with 2–3 pieces you are submitting for our online gallery. We will be submitting these to D2L instead of submitting them on the blog. Please refer to the format guidelines — these are to help us finalize the content in a way that is easiest to edit and upload to our online gallery.

This assignment is due Sunday at 11:59 and is not optional.

For each work, you need to submit:

An image that is the “landing” image for your work, i.e. the main image that will be showcased on a gallery wall on the website. This image should look professional and be edited if need be from work you’ve done in class.

  • Landing image files should be submitted as .jpg, .png, .pdf or other easy to use files.
  • Note: If you have selected a text work to showcase, say a poem or scene from a play or sci-fi story, you will want to select a portion of text you can make into the “landing” image. This may be 1–2 sentences or lines, that you format so that it is readable as an image file.

Additional images/work that you want to have included on a page dedicated to your piece.

  • If you are submitting a visual work, this may be several image files, maybe taken from different angles if your piece is 3D or maybe images demonstrating any parts of your process you would like to show
  • If you are submitting a longer form work, say a comic book, please submit several additional several images, and also submit the whole work as a pdf that may be available for download
  • If you are submitting a text-based work — a poem or story, please submit your work as a word doc if possible. We would like your text to be visible on the webpage and will likely need to copy and pasted it into the web form.

A description to accompany each work. It needs to be in a google doc so we can edit it easily. You need to make sure your permissions are set so that the doc is accessible to us. You may draw from your free writes, project reflections, etc. to pull together these descriptions. The description for each work needs to be divided into four parts:

  • A title for your work
  • 2–3 sentence description of your work. Explain: what is it, what medium did you use, what is the content, etc.
  • 2–3 sentence personal statement about what inspired you to make this work and/or how you feel about your piece. Think of this as an artist’s statement about the piece.
  • 2–3 sentences on how your work is connected to course themes

We will do some peer editing of these descriptions and images in class on Monday to finalize our online gallery content.

